Matrix University (MU)
College of Engineering
Director: Chief of Engineering
School of Engineering
Director: FCAPT Bud Cullum
Pre-Engineering College Requirements
- ENG099 - Basic Starfleet Engineering
Prerequisites: None
Text: The Star Trek Encyclopedia, by Okuda, Okuda, and Mirek
Course Description: The course familiarizes the student with elements, compounds and their uses within 23rd and 24th Century Engineering.
* 25 Questions, 100 points possible
* Extra Credit Available - ENG101 - Introduction to Starfleet Engineering
Prerequisites: None
Text: The Star Trek Encyclopedia, by Okuda, Okuda, and Mirek
Course Description: The course familiarizes the student with basic engineering concepts used both in and outside of the Federation during the 23rd century.
* 25 Questions, 75 points possible
* 1 Essay, 25 points possible
* Extra Credit Available
Both Courses must be completed before entrance into the Engineering Degree Program.
Promotional credit is only given for Degree work and is not available for entrance courses.Engineering Degree Requirements
- ENG201 - Bachelor Degree Program
Prerequisites: ENG099 and ENG101
Text: Star Trek TOS Episodes, Star Trek, Technical Manual by Okuda and Steinbach, and Movies: Star Trek I, II, and III, Final Frontier Novel by Diane Carey
Course Description: This course deals with all aspects of the Enterprise 1701A, her designs, systems, and limitations.
* 30 Questions, 60 points possible
* 2 Essays, 40 points possible
* Extra Credit option available - ENG301 - Masters Degree Program
Prerequisites: ENG201
Text: Star Trek The Next Generation Episodes, The Next Generation Technical Manual by Okuda and Steinbach Movies: Star Trek IV, V, and VI
Course Description: This course deals with all aspects of the Enterprise 1701B, C and D, their designs, systems, and limitations.
* 30 Questions, 60 points possible
* 1 Thesis, 40 points possible, (THREE PAGES MINIMUM)
* Extra Credit option available - ENG401 - Doctoral Program
Prerequisites: ENG301
Reference Materials: All Star Trek Movies, Television Shows (TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager), All previous Engineering Text.
Course Description: This course deals with all aspects of Star Trek Engineering.
* 1 Dissertation, 100 points possible, (FIVE PAGES MINIMUM)
* Dissertation will include: Design or redesign and documenting in words and drawings a component, device, or ship with in the Starfleet world. Topic will be determined by mutual agreement between the Director/Professor and the Student. Drawings will be to scale. The disseration my be submitted by postal system, fax, or e-mail. Preference will be to provide document in a fashion which could be viewed by other crew personnel for future reference. It is suggested that the student prepare the document as if it was being submitted for a Technical publication. These packages may be submitted to the Galactic Engineers Concordance with permission of the Student. Package format and software utilization will be agreed upon between the student and the course administrators.
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